QuickPull to reset your Blackberry smartphone

Diposting oleh fatih on Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

For regular Blackberry users, most of them should know that full reset Blackberry smartphone is required to pull battery out. By doing phone resetting, it will free up unnecessary memory, make your smartphone response faster and stable. It is quick hassle to pull battery out, but you have to do it after certain period of time usage.

Here to introduce QuickPull. This software will perform a phone reset or on a pre-determined schedule reset without battery pull. Quickpull is a free application, and you can download it at below OTA:


Schedule a reset time while you are sleeping so that you don't have to experience the slowness. BlackBerry are really taking extremely long reset time. I would say even worse than Windows. Anyway like me, I set it to reboot at 4am automatically.

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