A new iPhone case & app or a gadget for handicapped as a New Year gift from InVision?

Diposting oleh fatih on Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

The month of December is a part of year when everyone seems to loose their minds more than anywhen. Remember the recent Black Friday tragedy at the Wall-Mart when people got so horny about fancy commercials and discounts? Well, firms do try to attract customers before they spend their money on New Year gifts and presents. But not all of vendors try to be as trendy as possible in this part of year. InVision is the one who has just finished probably the most generous gadget for Apple iPhone. iPhone now has become more then ever available for use as a smartphone for people who have eyesight disabilities.

Literally it is not a gadget itself and is not even a device so to say. What InVention made for sight handicapped people is a iPhone app that works in tandem with a special case for iPhone 2.0. The case covers all the iPhone very neatly so the engraved letters of the Moon Type were just in the place. And iPhone software from InVision makes it switch the buttons from their usual place to more comfortable one for Moon Typing. The app doesn't effects any of iPhone functions even with the latest firmware 2.2 as far as we know.
But there still is a room for doubt in how successful this particular app would be. I mean if it really works, it will have its certain demand, but developing this sort of apps for iPhone isn't that easy because of the considerable changes in interface and several changes in operating system, which is not what Apple likes to be done to their smartphone.

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